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Inhabiting the Heart of the Guesthouse: Guided Meditation with Journaling

  • Green Tea Yoga online Zoom Salem, MA (map)

Find supportive ground and renew your resilient heart through these challenging times of COVID and work towards Black Lives Matter through my online Zoom meditation, Inhabiting the Heart of the Guesthouse." This 75-minute experience invites you to come inside your sensing, feeling being through a guided visualization, based upon foundational contact points in the body. We will begin with a self-soothing centering before reading Rumi’s poem the Guesthouse. Then you will be guided to settle again into 3 journeys, each one followed by a 3-4 minute independent journal reflection. Every Tuesday at 4:30pm Eastern for $12. Register at least one hour before at to receive the Zoom link. Find a comfortable, quiet seat and come prepared with a writing tool, paper, or a journal.

Rumi's poem, The Guesthouse, offers guidance during this COVID season for consciously being in and with our activated, emotional parts. We will read the poem, gently welcome, witness, and be curious about these "house guests" and cultivate inner safety & compassion through guided meditation and reflective journaling. Allow this svadyaya, self-study, to expand your heart's capacity and resilience.

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